Bringing State-of-the-Art Pulmonary Functional Proton Imaging
to you
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For further reading, a selection of scientific articles is provided, covering various aspects related to PREFUL[1]. These articles encompass technical developments that laid the foundation [2–5], the core development [6–11], validation and application in patient cohorts [12–26], and treatment/monitoring [27–29]. Additionally, for completeness, further essential articles regarding registration and segmentation are included [30–32].
Prepare your files, perform batch processing and view results with just a couple of clicks!
Sounds like a good solution for your lab? Contact us to get started!
After a decade of dedicated scientific work to bring PREFUL from its early development to wide application and recognition, we are proud to provide a commercial application, which will give access to this promising method to scientists and patients all around the world.
Feel free to send us an email or contact us with the contact form, and we'll promptly arrange a call.
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BioVisioneers GmbH
Gubiner Straße 8 b,
30880 Laatzen,
Handelsregister: HRB 223458
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Hannover
Vertretungsberechtiger Geschäftsführer: Jens Vogel-Claussen, Andreas Voskrebenzev, Filip Klimeš
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Tel.: +49 1728925698
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BioVisioneers GmbH
Gubiner Straße 8 b,
30880 Laatzen,
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Authorized representatives/Managing Directors: Jens Vogel-Claussen, Andreas Voskrebenzev, Filip Klimeš
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Phone: +49 1728925698
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